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GARDEN INITIATE is a new series of portfolios featuring duo-tone and color illustrations of characters from THE SPIDER GARDEN graphic novel series. Each portfolio spotlights a different character or aspect of life in the Garden, a retro-futuristic environment dedicated to the pursuit of total pleasure. 

GARDEN INITIATE 04: HYDROPHIDIAN focuses on the aquatic domain of Squamata Serpentine - ruler of the Water Snake Clan and former lover of Shaalis the Sacred Androgyne. Contortionists with an inhuman degree of flexibility, Squamata and her incestuous twin sister Lichurna make a game of sexually tormenting their Tengu slave Gion while those humans unfortunate enough to have fallen into their clutches find themselves transformed into latex naiads, drifting helplessly in a state of endless rapture in the depths of Hydrophidians blood-warm waters.


  • Each portfolio comes with a full-color slip cover and contains ten individually signed duo-tone & color 11" x 8.5" plates printed on 80 lb. heavy stock (individually signed and suitable for framing) along with background text explaining who the characters are and the stories behind the images.
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